‘Attacking Iran, incredibly destabilizing’

Washington, June 29: Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen warns that any military action against Iran would be “incredibly destabilizing” to the region.

The US and Israel understand that the use of force against Iran would be “incredibly destabilizing,” Mullen said addressing the Aspen Security Forum on Monday.

The top US military official, however, renewed allegations that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons under the guise of peaceful nuclear work and said that that there is “no reason to trust” Iran.

According to Mullen, who had previously threatened Tehran with military options, Iran’s access to nuclear weapons would be “incredibly dangerous” for the Islamic Republic.

The top US commander also expressed skepticism that the exertion of sanctions would be an effective tool to make Iran relinquish its nuclear activities.

Mullen’s statements came in the wake of the estimations of CIA Director Leon Panetta who said on Sunday that he “thinks” Iran was in possession of enough low-enriched uranium to produce two atomic weapons within two years.

In an interview with ABC’s “This Week”, Panetta stressed that there was “some debate” as to whether Iran would be interested in making a nuclear weapon, but that the hypothetical step would take the country at least two years.

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed a fourth round of sanctions on Iran as punishing measures against the country’s nuclear program. The UN sanctions were followed by a series of unilateral sanctions approved by the US Congress on Iran’s energy and banking sectors.

The UNSC resolution was approved despite the opposition of 118 member states of the Non-Aligned Movement, which backed Iran’s right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The United States along with its Western allies have been accusing Iran of seeking military objectives in its nuclear program. Iran, a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty rejects the allegations, arguing that all its nuclear program and activities are under the full supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
