Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on Monday said the attack on JNU student leader Umar Khalid, days before Independence Day, was “a mockery of our democracy” and asserted that attempts to muzzle voices just because their views were not in alignment with somebody else’s was “absolutely wrong”.
“In a democratic country like ours, it is perfectly alright to agree to disagree. But attempts to silence an individual and muzzle voices just because their views are not in alignment with somebody else’s is absolutely wrong,” Mehbooba said in a series of tweets.
The former chief minister also blamed a section of the media for playing a “sinister role in whipping up a public frenzy” by projecting Khalid as “anti-national”.
Attack on Umar Khalid by hate-mongers days before Independence Day is a mockery of our democracy. Certain sections of the media too played a sinister role in whipping up a public frenzy by projecting him as anti-national,” she said.
The J&K Peoples Democratic Party president said the country has taken pride in being the world’s largest democracy but questioned if “we really want to be reduced to a mobocracy”.
“We have always taken great pride in being the worlds largest democracy. Do we really want to be reduced to a mobocracy where is no regard for rule of law?” she said.
A gunshot rang out at Constitution Club in the high security area near Parliament today when an unidentified man targeted JNU student leader Umar Khalid, who escaped unhurt, witnesses said.
The attacker dropped the weapon and fled the spot, police and witnesses said.