Hyderabad: Executing the pending non-bailable warrant in connection with the attack case on the Editor of Siasat Urdu Daily, Mr. Zahid Ali Khan in the year 2009 near Nayab Functional Hall, Shah Ali Banda, former MIM Corporator Mohammed Ghouse was presented before Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Nampally Court.
The Magistrate refused to cancel the warrant and ordered to send him to jail. Immediately after this, police arrested Mohammed Ghouse and shifted him to Chanchalguda Central Jail.
As soon as the news spread, leaders of Congress and MBT assembled at Chanchalguda Jail.
It may be mentioned that in this case, MIM MLA of Yakutpura, Mumtaz Ahmed Khan and others were also accused who obtained bail.
Husaini Alam Police had submitted chargesheet of the case in 2011.
–Siasat News