Lucknow: After Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Brijpal Tevatia and six others were shot at by unidentified assailants at Muradnagar in Ghaziabad district late Thursday evening, Additional Director General of Uttar Pradesh Police (law and order) Daljit Singh Choudhury said the assailants were laced with AK-47 and other sophisticated weapons and their priority is to arrest and bring the perpetrators to justice.
“Police have seized sophisticated arms and ammunition from the crime scene. The Ghaziabad Police have launched an investigation at the spot, while Special Task Force and senior police officers will reach there soon,” said the ADG, adding that their priority is to arrest and bring the assailants to justice.
Meanwhile, Union Minister Mahesh Sharma, who visited Fortis, Noida, where Tevatia and nother six have been admitted in critical condition, said, “Doctors are saying that they are trying to save his life. It is a matter of investigation, and police will look into it.”
The assailants allegedly fired more than 100 rounds at his convoy at Muradnagar in Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh late Thursday evening.
Large amounts of ammunition, an AK-47 and two 9mm pistols were found from the crime scene, said police sources.
As per information, the BJP leader was accompanied by 20 private gunners, in spite of that the assailants attacked his convoy.
Tevatia is said to be a confidante of Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, who has purportedly inquired about the incident from officials of the U.P. Police. (ANI)