Gandhinagar, Sep 25 : Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Friday announced in the Assembly that his government’s ‘Atmanirbhar Gujarat’ scheme was a historic one, under which Rs 1,418 crore had been deposited in beneficiaries’ bank accounts through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).
The Chief Minister said that the scheme — under which loans can be availed at only 2 per cent annual interest — will be very effective in reviving the economic condition of dailywagers.
“The scheme is the only one in Gujarat’s history under which a common man can get a loan with only 2% interest. This scheme will help the common man, small traders and workers in pandemic situation. Rs 1,418 crore have been deposited in beneficiaries’ bank accounts through the DBT under the scheme so far,” Rupani said on the last day of the Assembly Monsoon Session.
He was answering a question put by Visnagar MLA Hrishikesh Patel.
Cooperative Minister Ishwar Patel informed the House that that “the government has sanctioned Rs 1,647 crore in loans to 1.70 lakh applicants. Moreover, the loans to more than 50,000 roadside and footpath vendors from around 1.25 lakh applicants have been disbursed and deposited in their bank accounts”.
Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated from IANS service.