New Delhi : Extending full support to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s Odd-Even Traffic Plan to be rolled out from January 1, ASSOCHAM has approached all of its 1,28,000 members/associates and other common interest groups to join this initiative for making it a success so that air quality of the National Capital Region is improved immediately.
In a letter to its members in the NCR, the chamber has suggested that the companies and all other business establishments should work with their staff to make car pool plans.
“I am writing you this letter making a passionate appeal to join ASSOCHAM in extending our full support to the Delhi Government’s Odd-Even Traffic Plan to improve the air quality of the mega city. Needless to say that the city has been the worst sufferer of toxic air making us all suffer, particularly children and aged. Under no circumstances, we should let this programme suffer a setback,” said Sunil Kanoria in his letter
“May I request you that please encourage your staff to go in for a car-pooling on a big scale so that the number of cars on the NCR roads is reduced considerably. The ASSOCHAM would even suggest going a step further and even involve in the progamme the women staff who are, otherwise exempted,” Kanoria added.
He said if need be, the corporate may even tweak office timings and give some flexibility to the staff so that they all participate in the Odd-Even Traffic Plan.
“From time to time, ASSOCHAM has been actively participating in the programmes which are of larger interest to the nation and fighting air pollution certainly deserves our utmost attention and participation”, Kanoria said. (ANI)