Hyderabad: 24-year-old budding assistant director in the Telugu film industry, Uttaradhi Karthik, has reportedly gone missing since Friday. His father, Lakshmi Narayana, registered a complaint at the Panjagutta police station on Monday.
According to Panjagutta police, the resident of Madhuranagar went to his in-laws in West Godavari with his friends. On Friday, his friends left him near the Aryabhavan Hotel in Punjagutta, but he has not returned home so far. The family waited for two days before the complaint related to his disappearance has been filed.
According to the family, Karthik had spent the investors’ money in the making a television serial, but the project was not successful. Investors were asking for their money due to which he was very stressed for the last few days. The police are investigating the case keeping this angle in mind.