Mumbai, May 28: After the Cannes’ red carpet fiasco, Sonam Kapoor who is a die-hard Aishwarya Bachchan fan (as per her own confession) walked up to the latter at Karan Johar’s birthday party on May 25 and extended an olive branch.
Sonam was excited about walking down the red carpet with Ash during the Cannes Film Festival, however, that didn’t happen.
Sonam and Ash represent the same beauty brand and chances are that these actresses might have to walk the red carpet at some event in the future. So the young Sonam wanted all to be well between her and Ash.
“Aishwarya was a picture of grace,” said a source at the party. “Earlier she hugged and made up with Kareena Kapoor, and then when Sonam walked up to her, she didn’t hesitate to warm up to the young girl either.” Must give full marks to Ash; beauty and grace is a lethal combination.