Lucknow: Unnao MP Sakshi Maharaj has sparked off controversy by describing Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi as a snake in the sleeve. He said people like Owaisi eat in India but sing praises of Pakistan. These are snakes in sleeves, their place is Pakistan only. However we can count hundreds of Muslims who are respected by the country, he said. Sakshi Maharaj made this controversial comment during a press conference in his native district.
Sakshi Maharaj didn’t stop here. Using non-parliamentary language he asked Owaisi, how the latter is related to Babar, was he Owaisi’s relative, brother-in-law or father? he asked.
According to Sakshi, Babar was an attacker, he has no relation with Muslims.
Mentioning the Armymen martyred during the recent terror attack in Jammu & Kashmir, Sakshi Maharaj said out of the 6 Jawans killed 5 were Muslims. But people like Owaisi are the snakes in the sleeve, their true place is Pakistan.
On the occasion, the BJP leader also slammed Congress and said Modi Ji and we all want Congress-free India. He said Congress doesn’t have a right to be in power in any part of the country which it had divided.