New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday, Mar 13 sought Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s help in cleaning the Yamuna river.
“We are sitting along the banks of Yamuna river. We have taken several initiatives for cleaning it. If Guruji takes a little initiative, several governments need to come together to keep the Yamuna clean.
The Delhi government and the Centre and many of its ministries need to come together,” Kejriwal said. Also read: Ravi Shankar takes a dig at critics, says he belongs to all Arvind Kejriwal seeks Sri Sri’s help “Today, on the left side of Guruji is the Union government and to his right is the Delhi government.
If he takes the initiative and pledge to clean Yamuna under his leadership, then I think this can be achieved,” Delhi Chief Minister said at the World Culture Festival.
“I consider myself very fortunate that I could see this historic moment. I am thankful to Guruji. Jai Gurudev,” Kejriwal added. The World Culture Festival, organised by the Art Of Living on the floodplains of Yamuna, is facing criticism from several quarters over ecological damage.
The Centre and the Delhi government too have been criticised for giving the go-ahead to the function. The Delhi Chief Minister said he is very “selfish” and is seeking help in two areas, include cleaning of Yamuna river.
Noting that the Art Of Living volunteers are “disciplined”, he also sought assistance of its volunteers in Delhi government’s functions.