Amritsar : A court in Amritsar on Friday granted bail to Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener Arvind Kejriwal and two other party leaders in a defamation case filed by Punjab Revenue Minister Bikram Singh Majithia. Kejriwal, along with AAP leaders Sanjay Singh and Ashish Khetan, who were co-accused in the defamation case, were present in the jam-packed court room here.
The court of Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate on July 18 issued summons to Kejriwal and the others to appear before it following the defamation case filed by Majithia. The AAP leaders had accused him of patronising drug trade in Punjab and even called him a “drug lord”. Scores of ruling Shiromani Akali Dal activists also came out in support of Majithia.
Majithia said he wanted speedy trial in the defamation case so that the AAP leaders go behind bars for defaming him. The allegations pertain to three incidents, first being the derogatory remarks made by Kejriwal and Sanjay Singh at the Maghi Rally held at Muktsar Sahib on January 14, allegations levelled against Majithia by Kejriwal during his visit to Amritsar on February 27 and statements of Sanjay Singh and Ashish Khetan in Chandigarh.