Congress M.P. of Rajya Sabha, Mr. Anand Bhaskar told that the arrest of his fellow M.P’s by the police yesterday on the occasion of Telanganan March was shameful on the part of the Govt. He strongly protested the action taken by the police to arrest the M.P’s. He blamed Mr. N.Kiran Kumar Reddy for making an attempt to sabotage Telangana Movement. Govt. granted permission for the March but the police didn’t care for Govt. order. The M.P’s who wanted to apprise the C.M. of the police atrocities were arrested which is shameful. With this act, the struggle for Telangana would be intensified. Telangana M.P’s are trying to make the situation peaceful.
Mr. Anand Bhasker demanded the Govt., D.G.P. and Commissioner of Police to apologize the M.P’s and also release all those protesters who were arrested.
—-Siasat News