New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday visited east Delhi’s Laxmi Market, where the MCD has been carrying out demolition of illegally constructed buildings for the third consecutive day, as per the East Laxmi Market Master Plan.
According to the officials, more than 60 structures, which served as houses for the families in the East Laxmi Market area, have been demolished until now. All the buildings were residential.
Kejriwal, who was accompanied by Social Welfare Minister Rajendra Pal Gautam, Deputy Speaker Rakhi Birla, and MLAs Kuldeep Kumar, and Ajay Dutt, took stock of the situation, spoke to the residents of the area and assured them of all support.
He also directed the officials to ensure that the temporary housing of the affected people is completed immediately so that people, who are now without shelter, have a roof over their head.
“Many jhuggis have been demolished here on the directions of the Delhi High Court. I have directed the officials to begin an in-depth study of the order of the Delhi High Court, and on how a court order for demolition can be issued in the time of this pandemic,” Kejriwal said.
“After the analysis of the court order, we will explore all options and try to find a permanent solution to the issue. We will also arrange temporary shelter for the people here by either erecting tents on nearby land, or providing lodging facilities in schools, where all necessary arrangements such as food, water, lodging, and sanitation will be made.”
MLAs visiting the area have unanimously said that the demolition should not happen because of the coronavirus pandemic. They said the demolition by the East Delhi Municipal Corporation is making people suffer more at a time when they are already affected.