Area83 Bangalore will make your Adrenaline rush with the adventure

Bangalore: Area 83 is the best destination resort for individuals, couples, family and friends. People who visit this place will definitely feel the adventure thrill with their adrenaline rush and unforgettable experience.

The resort is located in Shanbhoganahalli village in Bannergatta South, Bangalore. The resort is sprawled over huge acres and has a picturesque location with spectacular lake side view surrounded by greenery everywhere giving the visitors a unique experience of freshness, thrill, adventure, and entertainment.

The resort also has bunch of crazy activities for the visitors. The activities like archery tag, bubble soccer, giant swing, Human foosball, kayaking, paint ball, Rocket ejector and snook ball gives the adventure freaks a thrilling and exciting experience.


There are different packages for individuals and groups with different activities included. All the packages offered also include lunch.


There is also facility of accommodation. Wooden cottages with fresh air and surrounded by greenery gives the visitors an awful experience.

The different packages include:

1. Individual Gold Package: Rs 2000 per person


Rocket ejector
Giant swing
Tree climbing
Kayaking (15 mins)
Segway (10 mins)

2. Individual Silver package: Rs 1600 per person


Giant swing or Rocket ejector
Tree climbing

3. Team Gold Pack: Rs 2800 per person (One attempt for each activity)


Rocket ejector
Giant swing
Paint ball
Archery tag (20 mins)
Bubble soccer (20 mins)
Kayaking (15 mins)
Human Foosball (15 mins)
Tree climbing (1 attempt)

4. Team Silver package: Rs 1400 per person (one attempt for each activity)


Paintball (50 shots)
Archery tag (20 mins)
Bubble soccer (20 mins)
Kayaking (15 mins)
Human foosball (15 mins)

The accommodation include fresh Chalets surrounded by flush green area. Each Chalet accommodates 4 persons and costs Rs 6000 per night with Fresh linen, housekeeping, room-service and a barbecue area.

There is also facility for camping site for individual and couples beside lake. Twin sharing camping tents and convenient gender toilets to accommodate guests is also available.


Resort Address:

Shanbhoganahalli village
Bannergatta south
Bangalore 560083

Office Address

#619 2nd main 1st stage
Bangalore 560038

Office Hours: 10AM – 7PM

+91 990-190-0083
+91 702-229-3383