Mumbai:Actor Arbaaz Khan will be seen playing a double role for the first time in a thriller film. The untitled film will be shot in Switzerland. “I am playing a double role in the film. But I can’t divulge more details. It’s an interesting script and the makers thought that I fit the part,” Arbaaz said in a statement.
Director Chandrakant Singh reveals that Arbaaz will play contrasting characters in the film. “One role will be that of Switzerland-based business tycoon, who gets married at the age of 40 to a much younger girl. The plot thickens after he is murdered,” Singh said without divulging further details.
The film also has Kannada superstar Aindrita Ray who will be making her debut in Bollywood through this venture.The film is produced by Mahendra Singh Namdev and Rakesh Datta.
Arbaaz Khan, who hasn’t had a successful acting career unlike his brother Salman Khan, earlier expressed that he is happy doing character roles and says he didn’t have any illusions that he will be the next romantic hero on the Bollywood block.
As an actor, Arbaaz has featured in films like “Daraar”, “Pyaar Kiya Toh Darna Kya”, “Hello Brother”, “Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya” and “Dabangg”.
Arbaaz said, “I started my career as a negative actor. If I had illusions about myself that I am the next romantic hero, I woud have waited for that. I am pretty much sorted in my personality, which is more suited for the second lead, grey shades, and there is so much of work in that.”