Hyderabad: Govt. of Telangana has started preparations for appointing persons to various posts in corporations. CM is in favour of appointing Chairmen of Urdu Academy and Minorities Finance Corporation. It is reported that the local political ally of TRS made a claim on Hajj Committee and Wakf Board, due to which Govt. have not taken any decision to appoint anyone in these institutions. Since Wakf Board has to be bifurcated this is a big hindrance in making appointments in it. Some of the persons recommended by Ministers could be included as Directors. CM has almost finalized the name of an Urdu Poet who is very close to him as the Chairman of Urdu Academy.
It is reported that for the Chairmanship of Minorities Finance Corporation, the relative of a former IAS Officer is in the race who is also a close friend of CM. It is reported that his name is on the top of the expected candidates. Minorities leaders of TRS are perturbed that they have not been considered for any of these posts, especially when Dy. CM and Muslim MLAs had recommended some of the names. It is likely that such names could be included as Directors of various corporations. CM is giving assurance to them that their names could be considered for other posts. Majority of the Minority leaders of TRS are in the race of Chairmanship of Urdu Academy, Hajj Committee and Minorities Finance Corporation. If the Govt. neglects the claims of these Minorities leaders, their disappointment could increase.
–Siasat News