Hyderabad: A Telangana High Court bench on Monday paved the way for filling the physical education teachers’ posts and instructed the state government and its Public Service Commission to fill up the aforesaid posts in the SC, ST, OBC and Minority Boarding educational institutions in keeping with the guidelines of the National Council for Technical Education (NCTE).
The list of the selected candidates must be released within two weeks, the Court said.
In this regard, the Division Bench said the directives issued by a single Judge earlier shall remain in place.
The bench comprising Justice Hema Kohli and Justice B Vijaysen Reddy during the hearing of petitions filed by the state government and the societies of various boarding educational institutions passed this order. These petitions were submitted to the High Court challenging the order of the single judge.
In 2019, the single judge after hearing the petitions filed by the unemployed youths passed a number of instructions for filling the posts of the physical education teachers.
Later on, the state government and the societies of the boarding institutions have challenged the single judge order in the High Court.
The Additional Advocate General Ramchandra Rao apprised the High Court that the said posts shall be filled on ‘merit basis’ and there is no need for ‘cut-off marks’.
After hearing the stand of the Additional Advocate General, the High Court delivered its ruling and instructed to fill up these posts in keeping with the NCTE guidelines.