New Delhi: Apple’s Siri literally saved a dying one-year old’s life. Stacey Gleeson, from Cairns in Australia, saw her one-year-old daughter, Giana, turn blue on a baby monitor and rushed to try and clear her airways. She dropped her iPhone while hurrying to perform CPR on the child, but remembered the device’s voice response capabilities.
Stacey shouted “Hey Siri, call an ambulance” across Giana’s bedroom and the app complied by alerting the emergency services, allowing the mother to focus on reviving her child. She was then able to successfully communicate the family’s address on speakerphone before paramedics arrived.
Giana had been suffering from severe bronchiolitis and a chest infection before she stopped breathing. The incident occurred in early March but has only now come to public attention, after Ms Gleeson sent a letter of thanks to Apple.