Apple calls for its iOS not to be used to operate nuclear facilities or weapon systems

Apple has said its iOS operating system should not be used to operate nuclear facilities or weapon systems. An iPad with the operating system was apparently used by Syrian rebels to fire mortar shells at government forces. The US tech firm warned that the technology to operate aircraft or life support systems could lead to personal injury or damage the environment. According to the Metro, the full passage, which can be found in section 7.5 of the iOS terms and conditions states that the iOS software and services are not intended or suitable for use in situations or environments where the failure or time delays of, or errors or inaccuracies in, the content, data or information provided by the iOS software or services could lead to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage, including without limitation the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, life support or weapons systems.’ The release of the new iOS 7 operating system has not been totally smooth , with reports of bugs that bypass security. (ANI)