According to some credible media reports, Government of India in coordination with Government of Jammu and Kashmir, is about to replace Pump Action Guns, commonly known as pellet guns, with some highly obnoxious and toxic gas grenades which, according to experts and doctors, are terribly harmful for the passive population not involved in any riots/clashes but made to suffer for no fault of it. It has been observed that such high toxic gases cause numerous medical complications and huge inconvenience to the innocent, uninvolved population on either side of a street as the real target crowds are often insulated against these deterrents and they keep on changing their locations. The only hope in current turbulent conditions is judiciary that should take cognizance of such reports and do something URGENTLY to stop the Government from introducing any kind of toxic and obnoxious gases as an alternative to pellet gun. Doctors say patients suffering from respiratory complications and ailments involving lungs, chest and other vital organs can die due to inhalation of such gases.
[All friends, and those who feel concerned about the lives of the population confined to their homes in Kashmir for over 50 days now, are requested to LIKE and SHARE so as to carry it to J&K HIGH COURT that may treat it as PIL and stop the Government from introducing any harmful gas as a riot control too