Hyderabad: A group of women protested outside a local school in Sattenapalli town of Guntur district on Sunday against a teacher who allegedly forced young girls enrolled in grade four and five to watch obscene videos.
In a video released on Twitter, a Muslim woman spoke about how the teacher enrolled in an Urdu cum Telugu school forced girls to watch girls no older than nine to ten years of age watch videos sexually obscene in nature.
Questioning the incident, the woman speaking in the video, accused the teacher named Hussain of harassement and said that the parents of the children enrolled in the school were employed as labourers or small scale workers and the teacher had violated their trust.
The women in the video demanded that the accused Hussain be brought before them as they wished to hold him accountable for the act. As things stand, there is no word no if the police have taken any action or if an FIR has been lodged with the local officials.