Telangana IT Minister K Tarakarama Rao on Saturday said that AP leaders were trying to gain upper hand on the issue of special status to that state.
In an interview to a news channel the TS minister said that AP leaders have no clarity as to how to approach on the issue of special status to AP. The issue was discussed during the bifurcation of united AP, but the political parties in AP are striving to gain upper hand on the issue. KTR claimed that it was due to TRS that the TS was formed and this also helped AP which is evident from the fact that it was getting financial aid from the Centre on a massive scale for the development of that state.
KTR said that actor Pawan Kalyan was habituated to occasional outburst on the issue of special status and this was evident from his speech at a public meeting in Kakinada. The TRS leader slammed Pawan Kalyan for his statement that he had not eaten for 11 days when the state was bifurcated. Will this statement not hurt the people of Telangana who strived for decades for a separate statehood, KTR questioned.
The minister said that the actor lacks political acumen and this was evident from his approach on various issues concerning the people. (INN)