Amaravati: The YSRCP government under the leadership of Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has increased the amount under the group insurance scheme for the police after 20 years.
A press release from the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) said that the government, in a review meeting, has decided to increase the group insurance amount for Constables form Rs 13 lakh to Rs 20 lakh, for Sub-Inspectors and Inspectors to Rs 35 lakh, for Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and higher cadre officials to Rs 45 lakh.”
The state has paid Rs Rs 4.74 crore to the insurance company for the purpose. The amount to be paid for unnatural or accidental deaths was increased to Rs 30 lakh, and it would Rs 40 lakh for deaths in terrorist attacks. “About 64,719 police personnel will be covered under the scheme,” the press release said.
Home Minister Mekathota Sucharitha, DGP Gautam Sawang, and Additional DG Ravishankar Iyengar and the insurance company officials were also present at the review meeting.