AP CM makes headway on bill for corruption

Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy stressed the need for mechanism and procedures to uproot corruption within the state. In a review meeting at the camp office on Monday, the CM discussed a report on Good Governance done in conjunction with a Cabinet sub-committee, the call centre for addressing such complaints, tendering and other issues relating to corruption.

He pushed for legislation through which those involved in corrupt practices will be dealt with in a fixed time period rather than a prolonged, justice-delaying process.  

Quoted in a press release Jagan stated, “We could eradicate corruption at the top level and it should percolate down the line.”

All complains regarding corrupt practices are directed to the Anti Corruption Bureau’s toll free number, 14440, which cover the area from the village Secretariat and upwards. This call centre was started a year ago and as of now, 44,999 calls have been received and 1,747 were regarding corruption.

Officials state that action was taken on 161 calls and 35 are pending.

IIM Ahmedabad’s Report on Good Governance, which looked at grey areas within corruption in Government Departments, was consulted during this whole process.  

This proposed legislation is modeled upon the Disha Bill which allocates a specific time to complete trial on such cases.