In the wake of curiosity on Telangana Bill, C.M. of A.P. Mr. N. Kiran Kumar Reddy gave a surprise by changing the cabinet portfolio of Dr. Sridhar Babu. He has taken Parliamentary Affairs portfolio from Sidhar Babu and allotted it to Dr. Shailajanath. During the last Assembly Session, there was a rift between C.M. and Mr. Sridhar Babu. It is understood that to please Mr. Sridhar Babu, C.M. has given him the portfolio of Commercial Taxes which was earlier held by him. In addition to this change, C.M. is allotted the newly created portfolio of official language to Tourism Minister, Mr. V. Vasanth Kumar.
In political circles, suspicions are being expressed on the change of portfolios just before the commencement of the next Assembly Session. It may be a conspiracy to adjourn the Assembly Session without discussions. Panchayath Raj Minister, Mr. Jana Reddy has expressed surprise over the step taken by the C.M. It may be noted that the Assembly session is starting on 3rd January again to discuss Telangana Bill.
—Siasat News