New Delhi: Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma is going gaga over her contemporary Katrina Kaif after she saw the latest song from her upcoming flick ‘Fitoor.’
Praising the 32-year-old actress, the ‘NH10’ star tweeted, “How hot and fit is #Katrina in the new #Fitoor song .Nailed the dance ! Lovin it !”
In the song titled ‘Pashmina,’ Katrina and the film’s lead actor Aditiya Roy Kapur can be seen locked in a passionate embrace while grooving to the soothing melody. This is the second romantic track of the film.
Directed by Abhishek Kapoor, ‘ Fitoor’ is based on Charles Dickens’ novel ‘Great Expectations.’ Also starring Tabu in key role, the flick will hit the theatres on February 12. (ANI)