Mumbai, July 07: Anushka Sharma shot to fame much before the release of her very first film, RAB NE BANA DI JODI. Being signed by Aditya Chopra to play the lead role opposite King Khan made headlines all over and once RAB NE… released and went on to become an All Time Blockbuster and Yash Raj’s highest grosser ever, Anushka was a household name. She played the modern as well as the traditional Punjabi woman with sophistication and confidence.
However, after the hurricane start to her career, things have been quiet as far as signing more films are concerned and there was a strong rumour doing the rounds that Anushka was bound by a three film exclusive contract with Yash Raj Films and so was unable to sign any outside banner. So, what’s the exact truth? Well, the RAB NE… girl is quick to deny this and categorically states that though she has a three film deal with Yash Raj, still it is not an exclusive contract, which thus makes her free to sign other banners as well. She also expressed her unhappiness at this rumour and says that she is receiving a number of offers but she does not want to throw away the excellent start to her career by signing the wrong kinds of films. As of now she is listening to scripts and is absolutely open to good offers.
Certainly Anushka, as they say, ”Well begun is half done”, it’s your exclusivity that will make you priceless and successful!