New Delhi : A one-film-old producer Anushka Sharma has geared up for her second production venture, titled ‘Phillauri.’
The 27-year-old actor-turned-producer took to her Twitter handle to announce the news, “Happy 2 announce our next production venture – PHILLAURI, with @foxstarhindi & co??ing @diljitdosanjh,Suraj Sharma.”
With Fox Star Studios as the co-producer, the movie will star Anushka herself along with Diljit Dosanjh and Life of Pi famed Suraj Sharma.
Anushka’s first production ‘NH10,’ though did not do very well in the Box-Office, managed to receive critical acclamation.
Apart from ‘Phillauri,’ Anushka will be seen this year in ‘Sultan’ opposite Salman Khan.
Speaking to leading news daily about the movie, the ‘ NH10’ actress said “it took almost 100 years, a crazy Punjabi wedding and rank strangers to complete a love story; that, in a gist, is Phillauri.” (ANI)