MUMBAI, OCT 6 (UNI)- Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty with and filmmaker Anu Malhotra, during inauguration of Anu’s debut art show ‘Flow Dreams’, in Mumbai on Wednesday night. UNI PHOTO-16U
MUMBAI, OCT 6 (UNI)- Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty during inauguration of Anu Malhotra’s debut art show ‘Flow Dreams’, in Mumbai on Wednesday night. UNI PHOTO-15U
MUMBAI, OCT 6 (UNI)- Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty during inauguration of Anu Malhotra’s debut art show ‘Flow Dreams’, in Mumbai on Wednesday night. UNI PHOTO-14U
Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty with and filmmaker Anu Malhotra, during inauguration of Anu’s debut art show ‘Flow Dreams’, in Mumbai on Wednesday night. UNI PHOTO