Mumbai: Actor Rajesh Tailang says working with filmmaker Anurag Kashyap is a dream come true, and he gives his actors a lot of space.
Rajesh will feature in Anurag’s forthcoming film “Mukkabaaz”.
“Working with Anurag Kashyap is a dream come true for all the actors. So, it was the same for me. I am working with him for the first time. He is a great director but at heart, he is an actor and writer too.
“So this aspect of his helps us while working with him. He knows the problems of acting, and he comes up with suggestions which are doable. He gives his actors a lot of space and lets them improvise.
“Sometimes, he gives a piece of paper with freshly written dialogues. So as an actor, you can’t be prepared beforehand. This is a challenge and at the same time, it gives your performance freshness and spontaneity,” he added.
Getting into a “collaborative work where your opinions are also accepted with respect, makes him or her feel empowered”.
Working on the film was like a working holiday for Rajesh.
“We shot mostly in Bareilly and Varanasi, so it was an outdoor shoot where the entire unit united. It felt like we were having a working holiday. I really enjoyed scenes with (actor) Vineet Kumar Singh who plays my son. The father-son scenes are funny yet convey a lot about realities of human nature,” he said.
He thinks “Mukkabaaz” is a true Anurag Kashyap film.