Hyderabad: In a fire incident which took place at Osmania University Campus, answer sheets had turned into ashes. This incident had taken place on Tuesday, 5th June.
According to the report published in The Hans India, fire tenders doused the flames. However, answer sheets of a degree exam were burnt to ashes.
Osmania University had constituted a committee to probe the accident. The committee has recommended re-examination of selected subjects of BSc, Telangana Today reported.
The committee revealed that 9% of answer script were damaged whereas rest of the scripts were partially damaged.
It may be mentioned that it was answer scripts of BSC (Regular and Backlog) students.
It is also reported that this accident took place in coding room where BSc scripts of the second (regular and backlog), fourth semester (regular), first and third semesters (backlogs) were kept.
University informed that all students, except those booked for malpractices, have to write exam once again. The revised timetable will be released soon.
It may be noted that students don’t have to pay the exam fee. They have to appear for the re-exam with same hall tickets in the same centres.