New Delhi: In a major setback to the BJP-ruled Centre, the Supreme Court on Wednesday quashed “message and direction” issued by Arunachal Pradesh Governor J.P. Rajkhowa and restored status quo as on December 15 when Congress’ Nabam Tuki was the chief minister.
“The SC has quashed all the notifications issued by the Governor on December 9 and has also restored status quo as on December 15 when Tuki was the chief minister,” Vivek Tankha, the lawyer appearing for the Congress Party, told the media.
“Pursing which the assembly was convened on July 16 to remove Speaker Wangki Lowang and subsequently on July 17 to pass a no confidence motion,” he added.
Tankha said the Governor’s role is also under question now taking note of the manner in which he acted at the behest of the ruling party at the Centre.
“We expect the ruling party not only to respect the SC judgment and restore the Congress government forthwith, but also to take appropriate action against the Governor,” said Tankha.
Hailing it as a “great day” for the Indian democracy and a “great slap” on the BJP, he said, “Nobody has ever thought that a ruling party would go this extent to murder democracy in this country. It was appearing as if the reign of the Governor supported by the Centre Government had taken over the country.”
Arunachal Pradesh had been under President’s Rule since January 26.
Tuki-led Congress government was dismissed following days of turmoil after 21 of its 47 lawmakers rebelled against the chief minister.
The Congress, which had 47 MLAs seats in the 60-member assembly, suffered a jolt when 21 of its lawmakers rebelled. Eleven BJP MLAs backed the rebels in the bid to upstage the government. Later, 14 rebel Congress MLAs were disqualified.
The leader of the dissident faction, Kalikho Pul, was sworn-in as the chief minister on February 19 with the support of the 20 Congress rebels and 11 legislators of the BJP. (ANI)