After multi-crore scam of Wi-Fi and Wi-Max, another scam of publication of books surfaced in Urdu University. During the investigation, embezzlement upto the tune of 7 Cr has been discovered in the publication of books in Manipal. The present Vice Chancellor Dr. Aslam Parvaiz had constituted a 3-member committee headed by Prof. Mohammed Sulaiman Siddiqui to conduct enquiry into the book publication scam. At the time of formation of the committee the vice Chancellor was aware of the scam, however despite the fact that the committee had disclosed about the scam and had identified the persons involved in it, the person who was found responsible for the scam was reappointed on the post of Director Distance Education. According to reliable sources the investigative committee had submitted the report to the vice chancellor a month ago and had recommended action against the culprits, however Vice Chancellor didn’t act upon the recommendations so far.
It is said that the then Director of Distance Education who has been reappointed on the same post had assigned the work of publication of syllabus books to a press in Manipal. The books could have been published at the cost of 7 Cr but 14 Cr were paid to Manipal press. Besides that additional amount was also paid to the press. The then Vice Chancellor, Director Distance Education, Registrar and Finance Officer were found involved in the scam.
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