Another Muslim group to support T-Congress

The Jamiat Ulema Hind (Arshad Madani Group) is likely to support the Congress party in the ensuing elections in Telangana region.

JUH AP Unit president Mufti Ghyasauddin Rahmani told INN that a final decision on supporting the Congress party in ensuing elections will be taken in two-three days time. However, he said that his organisation was forced to support the Congress to defeat communal forces and BJP in order to keep Narendra Modi away from power. The Congress party too is not free from communal elements, but due to existing circumstances, the JUH might support the support.

Mufti Ghyasuddin said that the JUH would organise two-three large public meetings in Telangana which would be addressed by JUH national president Moulana Arshad Madani. He said that the JUH President has already asked the cadre to support secular candidates in their areas.

He asked Congress to explore the possibilities of increasing the existing four per cent reservation Muslims in Telangana. He said the TRS promise of 12 per cent reservation needs to explored and the percentage should be increased appropriately. (INN)