Krishna: Andhra Pradesh police on Saturday arrested seven persons who were allegedly involved in stealing motorcycles and using them for illegal transport of Cannabis. Gudivada police caught them at Gudlavalleru while carrying out a vehicle-checking.
“We came to know that some people are stealing motorcycles, using them they bought Ganja and were selling it in and around Gudivada town. This has been happening for few weeks,” Gudivada DSP Satyanandam told media.
“Following, we started checking vehicles near Gudlavalleru Engineering College. Police found 7 persons in a suspicious condition. We recovered 6 kilograms of Ganja from their possession after we checked them,” he added.
During interrogation, police came to know that the arrested had stolen four motorcycles from Gudlavalleru, Pamarru, Kalidindi and Uyyuru villages each.
“We have recovered those motorcycles. All these seven are resident of Gudivada Town. Further investigation and legal formalities are underway,” the DSP further added.