Amaravati : Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Wednesday said that any purchase which exceeds Rs 1 crore would be displayed on public domain for transparency and corruption-free governance.
During a review meeting, Reddy said that there have been scams in the previous government from school uniforms to automobiles but the current government will have to ensure that all deals are done in a fair and transparent manner, read an official statement.
“We have to stem the rot and guide the governance in a proper way which will be acceptable to all,” Reddy stated.
All purchases should be done only by bidding and the contractor’s name should be displayed only after the finalisation, he said while adding that the next round of review meeting would be held on August 28.
The Chief Minister also asked officials to suggest ways and means to carry out the purchases in the most effective and transparent manner.
Panchayat Raj Minister Peddireddy Ramchandra Reddy, Finance Minister Buggana Rajendernath and other officials were also present in the meeting.
In another review meeting of the Cabinet sub-committee that is probing into the irregularities by the previous government, the Chief Minister said that they should carry forward the probe without any fear or favour and not to succumb to any pressure.