Tirupati/ New Delhi: YSR Congress MP Mithun Reddy was booked on Friday for allegedly slapping an Air India official at the Tirupati Airport after the latter refused to accept the MP and his relatives on the flight for which boarding had been closed.
Reddy, however, denied the charge and has instead accused the Air India official of misbehaving with him.
The incident occurred yesterday when Reddy reached the Tirupati airport about 20 to 25 minutes before flight’s departure time with some of his relatives to board a flight to Delhi. The official refused to allow the MP to board the flight as boarding counters for domestic flights close at least 45 minutes before departure time.
Following this, the MP reportedly ‘shouted’ at the manager before allegedly slapping him.
Reacting to the incident, Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju said that manhandling an official on duty is not right, adding that the law will take its own course.
“A case has been filed and law should be allowed to take its due course….Manhandling the person who is discharging his duty doesn’t augur well, particularly when Member of Parliament is doing it,” he said. (ANI)