Amravati (Andhra Pradesh): Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu on Tuesday reiterated the demand for special economic measures to the state and further warned the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to “not play with Telugu people”.
Speaking at the state assembly, the Chief Minister said, “The Congress, which had played with Telugu people, lost address in the state. The BJP should remember that.”
Naidu said that they agreed for special economic measure to the state as the Centre disagreed to provide special status to Andhra Pradesh.
“The Centre has been speaking on many things but nothing is turning into action,” he said.
Further, the Chief Minister refused to compromise on the matters of the state interest citing the State Reorganization Act.
He said, “There is no question of compromise in the matters of state interest, the centre should respect the sentiments of people and implement all the promises made in the state reorganization act”.
Stating that the BJP is their ally party, Naidu said that the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) are holding a peaceful agitation.
“We have spoken of good deeds of the BJP to the people of the state; however, our fight is for the promises unfulfilled,” he added.
Earlier on Friday, Naidu exhorted the Centre to implement the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act in ‘letter and spirit”.
After the announcement of Union Budget 2018, the ruling TDP and the opposition Yuvajana Shramika Rythu Congress Party had condemned the Centre for rejecting their demands of providing special economic status to Andhra Pradesh.(ANI)