Ancient Egyptian treasures to be showcased in Berlin

Some 300 ancient Egyptian archaeological and religious treasures will go on show on Wednesday in the German capital Berlin, Egypt’s antiquities ministry said in a statement.

Antiquities Minister Mamdouh El Damaty will attend the opening of the ‘One God – Abraham’s Legacy on the Nile’ exhibition that aims to “showcase the peaceful coexistence of the three world religions of the Nile from the Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages”, the ministry said.

The exhibition is being organised by Germany’s Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection, the Museum of Islamic Art and by the National Museum in Berlin’s Sculpture Collection and Museum of Byzantine Art.

During El Damaty’s visit, he will be presented with seven priceless artefacts that Germany is returning to Egypt, the ministry said.

The treasures to be repatriated include a Greco-Roman female head, another terracotta one representing the god Horus as child, and five fiance amulets dating to the Late Period of the gods Nefertom, Isis and Sekhmet.

The artefacts were illegally transported from Egypt and displayed in Berlin in November 2013, the ministry said