AMU Old Boys Association Lucknow took lead in forming global association of ex-Aligs

Aziz Hyder
Aziz Hyder

This is unique to Aligarh Muslim University that its students feel proud of continuing their association with their alma mater in whatever ways possible, even when they are no longer students and become involved with their professional and family duties. Various prominent cities across the globe, whatever shores did ex-Aligs reach. they formed AMU Alumni Associations and started working for social upliftment of society. Even if they don’t involve themselves in social and community development, they at least unite every year in the month of October to celebrate Sir Syed Day with great pomp and festivity. Present in various big cities all over the globe, these associations are called AMU Old Boys Association.

In a first of its kind, AMU Old Boys Association Lucknow took the initiative of uniting the representatives of various Old Boys Associations spread across the globe to form a Global AMU Alumni Association, which aims at uniting the representatives of various associations spread in different cities and work cohesively and jointly for the benefit of AMU, its ex-students, their families and the AMU community at large.

More than 200 ex-Aligs, representing AMU Old Boys Associations based in the United States, Canada, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and UAE and several old boys (read alumnis) from various cities in India, including many from Lucknow who chose to be physically present, joined in this hybrid meet of ex-Aligs.

Most of the Aligs who joined commended AMU Old Boys Association Lucknow for this unique initiative. As per an online survey, 97.7  per cent of respondents agreed that the formation of a Global Association of ex-Aligs was the need of the hour and gave full authority to the AMU Old Boys Association Lucknow to proceed with formative procedures and relevant documentation. This too was agreed upon that the Global Association would work for the benefit of AMU, its ex-students and their families, and the AMU community on the whole. Representatives from various associations spread across the globe will be joined under an umbrella organization for effective carrying forth of welfare and other activities.

A bit of a debate ensured whether the Secretariat of the Global Association be based in Aligarh, Delhi or Lucknow. However, a sizeable group was of the view that for the effective working of the Global Association, it was imperative that the Secretariat be anywhere but not in Aligarh itself.

Professor Shakil Qidwai, President of the AMU Old Boys Association Lucknow, said that under such circumstances, the Lucknow Association be given the opportunity to host the Secretariat. Majority sided with this suggestion.

Former President of AMU Old Boys Association Lucknow and well-known social worker and politician, Mohd Tariq Siddiqui presented the likely layout of the organization. He elaborated on the suggested format of the soon to be formed association, and how Old Boys Associations from various different cities and countries be united under an umbrella. Mohd Tariq Siddiqui was the Chief Guest at the Sir Syed Day celebrations of AMU Old Boys Association Al-Jubail (Saudi Arabia) in 2022 where initial discussions related to formation of a Global Association of various associations of AMU Old Boys was first mooted. Some prominent ex-students of AMU, residing in places in far off United States and the Middle East have been expressing about the need for such an organization. It goes to the credit of AMU Old Boys Association Lucknow that it took initiative and went ahead with the call for formation of the Global Association.

As SM Shoeb, Secretary AMU Old Boys Association Lucknow aptly said, the Lucknow Association has been working ceaselessly and without any interruptions since 1975. Other than uniting for the Sir Syed Day functions in October each year, the Association is also very actively running various welfare programs for the benefit of the poor and the downtrodden. He welcomed all the participants in the Global Meet and informed that the next meeting will be held soon wherein the operative procedures of the organization will be laid out to the ex-Aligs.

AMU Old Boys from various cities in Uttar Pradesh as well as Delhi were also present physically in the meeting.