New Delhi: BJP President Amit Shah on Friday hit out at Congress chief Rahul Gandhi soon after Attorney General K. K. Venugopal said he had never told the Supreme Court that Rafale file/documents were stolen, but the photocopies of the same were unauthorisedly taken away.
Shah alleged that Rahul Gandhi lies habitually and has no credibility in Indian politics.
“Rahul Gandhi and falsehood are synonyms of each other. In the series of lies, he has yesterday said that Rafale documents were stolen but now it has been proved that it didn’t happen,” Shah said in a series of tweets.
Shah’s attack came soon after AG sought to clarify that he had never said that the Rafale documents, that were published in a section of the media and used by the petitioners, were “stolen.”
Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in a tweet quoted the AG saying that he had never said that the Rafale documents were stolen and that all he had told the top court was that the petitioners (Yashwant Sinha, Arun Shourie and Prashant Bhushan) in their application used “photocopies of the original” papers, deemed by the government.
The BJP President said that Rahul Gandhi’s lies are in public now. He also claimed that the Congress chief has spoken over a dozen lies on the Rafale issue itself.
“The people of the country have now understood the politics of lies of Rahul Gandhi. For them, Rahul Gandhi has become an instrument of entertainment,” Shah said.
“Sometimes he lies about the foundation stone laying of the Ordnance Factory in Amethi, sometimes he lies about loan waiver…” he added.