Hyderabad: The first contingent of Hajj pilgrims left Hyderabad on Friday evening to perform the Holy pilgrimage. Hundreds of people who had arrived to see off their near and dear ones cordoned Hajj House. Home Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali flagged off the pilgrims he was accompanied by MLCs Mohammed Fareeduddin, Farooq Hussain Chairman Telangana Minority Commission Mr Mohammed Qameruddin, Executive Officer Hajj Committee Mr Mohammed Shafiullah, Chairman Telangana Waqf Board Mohammed Saleem, Deputy Mayor Greater Hyderabad Baba Fasihuddin, Talasani Sai Kiran Yadav and others.
The programme concluded with the prayers of Maulana Mufti Khaleel Ahmed of Jamia Nizamia.
Source: Siasat news