American diplomat discusses India-US connections at Andhra University

Amaravati: Political-Economic Chief of the US Consulate General Hyderabad, Sean Ruthe visited Andhra University on Monday to lead a discussion on US-India tech collaboration.

The discussion explored how both countries can work together through the recently established initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET).

Speaking at the event Ruthe said, “Few global issues are as critical as emerging technology and few relationships are as important as the US-India Strategic Partnership. So it’s natural that our two countries would team up to harness the potential of new and emerging technologies to bolster peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.”

He said US president Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the US-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) in May 2022.

The initiative will elevate and expand the strategic technology partnership and defence industrial cooperation between the governments, businesses, and academic institutions said the US diplomat.

“In January, the National Security Advisors of the United States and India met in Washington, DC to discuss opportunities for greater cooperation in critical and emerging technologies, co-development and coproduction, and ways to deepen connectivity across U.S. and Indian innovation ecosystems,” he said.

Monday’s discussion took place at the American Corner in Visakhapatnam. Hosted by Andhra University, the American Corner provides a space where Americans and Indians in Visakhapatnam can gather to discuss important political, economic, cultural, educational, and social trends in the United States and how those developments are shaping the U.S.-India partnership.