Chicago: Evangelical Christian College in Chicago suspended Dr. Larycia Hawkins, an American professor for posting her photograph on Facebook wearing Hijab to express her solidarity with Muslim women. This clearly indicates that US is still suffering from rampant anti-Muslim sentiments.
Expressing her solidarity with her Muslim counterpart, Ms. Hawkins said, “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims, because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book. And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God”.
She also said, “I don’t love my Muslim neighbor because s/he is American. I love my Muslim neighbor because s/he deserves love by virtue of her/his human dignity”. “I invite all women into the narrative that is embodied, hijab-wearing solidarity with our Muslim sisters–for whatever reason” she added.
Her facebook post went viral with a host of women sending their messages to support her.
A day later, the students of the college sent open letters to leaders in the Evangelical Community to speak about Muslims with affection and respect and to end the increasing fear and hostility toward Muslims.
The next week, Hawkins was forced by University Authorities to proceed on leave. The Spokesman of Wheaton College told that action was taken against her for what she spoke and not for what she wore.
“A holy kiss to you who disavow the idea that Muslims & Christians worship the same God: I love you. Peace & Respect”, Hawkins wrote on twitter response to critics.
A holy kiss to you who disavow the idea that Muslims & Christians worship the same God: I love you. Peace & respect.
— Sally Hemings' Ghost (@LaryciaHawkins) December 13, 2015