New Delhi : Amazon India offers Apple iPhone SE (32GB) is at as low as Rs 17,999, down from Rs 26,000. The e-commerce website Amazon India is also offering up to Rs 15,000 off on exchange. It is important to note that price-cut is not official and the phone is listed for Rs 26,000 on Apple India website. Also, Flipkart and not Amazon is the official reseller for Apple in India. The 128GB variant of Apple SE is priced at Rs 35,000. The phone can be bought in Rose Gold, Space Grey, Gold and Silver colour options.
According to Indian Express article, Apple iPhone SE is one of the better options for people who want a smaller device. The 4-inch phone is powered by Apple’s A9 chip with 64‑bit architecture and it runs iOS 11. In our review, we said the phone is in no way underwhelming, despite its smaller size. Apple iPhone SE has a 12MP iSight camera on the back and a 1.2MP FaceTime camera.
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The Cupertino-technology giant recently announced a hike of 5 per cent on import taxes, which makes iPhone models in India more expensive. Apple iPhone SE is the only one in the list which will not see a price hike, since the smartphone is being assembled in India.
Post customs hike, Apple iPhone X retails at a starting price of Rs 92,430 for the 64GB variant and Rs 1,05,720 for the 256GB variant. Apple iPhone 8 will be available for Rs 66,120 for the 64GB variant and Rs 79,420 for the 256GB variant. The iPhone 8 Plus is priced at Rs 75, 450 for the 64GB variant and the 256GB will be available for Rs 88,750. Apple iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, and iPhone 7 Plus have become more expensive as well.