Lok Satta president Dr Jayaprakash Nayayan on Tuesday found fault with the State Government for imposing restrictions on export of paddy in the State.
Talking to media persons at Assembly media point, he said that due to the GO issued by the State Government, the farmers were forced to sell their paddy in the State at lower prices while suffering huge losses. “Despite the Centre clarifying that farmers could export and sell their products anywhere in the country, the farmers were put to hardship due to State Government’s restrictions,” he said.
Dr JP said that Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy and Civil Supplies Minister D Sridhar Babu tried to divert the attention of the House when the opposition party MLAs asked the government to scrap the GO. He asked the government to explain as to why it was not repealing the GO.
He also appealed to the government to take steps for purchase of farm produce directly from them without the involvement of middlemen. (INN)