Hyderabad: In an incident of honour killing, father allegedly killed his daughter. This incident took place in the area which falls under the jurisdiction of Abdullahpurmet Police Station.
According to the details of the incident, Vijay Lakshmi (27) had come to her in-laws’ house after four years of marriage with her own paternal uncle.
She had come to attend the funeral of her mother-in-law. Since both the families reside in the same locality, parents of Vijay Lakshmi got the news of her arrival in the area.
Vijay Lakshmi’s mother and other women brought her forcefully to their house. Later, Suresh came to his in-laws’ house to get back his wife. He indulged in heated arguments.
After sometime, the dead body of Vijay Lakshmi was found in her parent’s house. She is reported to be 7-months pregnant.
Inspector of Abdullahpurmet Police, Mr. Mani feels that it is a case of honour killing. Police suspects that Vijay Lakshmi’s father might have killed her.
It may be mentioned that after the marriage, Vijay Lakshmi and her husband Suresh had gone to Bhadrachalam in Khammam District.
After registering the case, police is investigating it from every angle.
[source_without_link]Siasat News[/source_without_link]