Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh), Feb 24 : The Allahabad High Court has launched a virtual court at the Allahabad district court for the disposal of the cases related to road traffic violation, Interoperable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) and Integration of Civil Court with Land Records (Bhulekh) through online mode.
The virtual court was e-inaugurated by Chief Justice Govind Mathur on Tuesday.
The ICJS has been introduced to facilitate speedy justice through data exchange between the courts, police/prosecution, jails and the forensic labs while the integration of civil court with land records will help resolve property disputes quickly.
This will immensely benefit the litigants as they will not be required to visit the court for traffic-related violations and can deposit the fine through on-line mode.
Besides, the revenue generated through it will go to the treasury of the state government.
As a result, there will be speedy disposal of traffic related challans.
Further, the above initiative involves integration of data and documents of traffic challan (fine), police department, revenue department with district court which will benefit stakeholders including litigants, promote transparency and ensure speedy disposal of cases.
A huge number of cases will be handled with the aid of technology with accuracy.
Further, through the Interoperable Criminal Justice System (ICIS) project, the court will be able to access the records e-FlR and e-charge sheet and prosecution records on a real time basis.
In addition, the land records have been integrated successfully with the court.
The virtual court scheme will be implemented in other districts by March 31.
The virtual court also digitally deals with ‘on-spot traffic challans’ generated by the traffic police.
As per scheme, digital challans captured for the given day will reflect in the dashboard of the virtual court judge, who shall issue special summons to the violator via his mobile phone, under the Motor Vehicles Act.
Once a violator receives intimation on his mobile phone, he would have the option to either contest the summons or pay by visiting the web portal.
Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated from IANS service.