All Virginia schools are closed as parents protest over Arabic calligraphy assignment

Virginia: All schools in Virginia, a federal State of USA cancelled all its classes after a teacher at a Virginia school handed out a homework assignment on Islam.

A teacher of World Geography at Riverheads High School asked students to copy religious calligraphy as an assignment for the chapter on “major world religions”.

The religious reads as:

“Here is the shahada, the Islamic statement of faith, written in Arabic. In the space below, try copying it by hand. This should give you an idea of the artistic complexity of calligraphy.”

However, when students took the assignment to home, it sparks a controversy as some of their parents saw the homework as an attempt to convert their children to Islam.

Soon, calls and emails flooded the school. Some of them even demanded the teacher be fired for the assignment.

After the incident, county school system removed the “Shahada” from world religion instruction and said that a different, non-religious sample of Arabic calligraphy will be used in the future.


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Even after the clarification from the school, nearly 24,000 people including parents and residents of the town gathered and demanded grievances.