All the pilgrims from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are safe in Makkah KSA after performing the Haj, said Prof. S. A. Shukoor, Special Officer, Telangana State Haj Committee here today.
Prof. Shukoor said altogether 21 Haj pilgrims from Telangana, who were reported missing after the Mina stampede accident on September 24, were found safe in their accommodations in Makkah. Of these 21 pilgrims, 13 belonged to Hyderabad, four each from Ranga Reddy and Mahbubnagar districts, he added.
Meanwhile, the body of Saira Banu of Tenali of Guntur district was laid to rest in a local graveyard in Makkah today. He said bodies of those who were killed in Mina were not yet buried and the concerned authorities will finalize the burial procedures for the deceased upon the approval of their family members. He announced that the Help Line set up by the State Haj Committee would continue for two more days. (NSS)